bring it back.

ja förstår inte varför jag fortfarande tänker. varför finns det en klocka för ? ja vill vara vaken mer ! men jag ska  upp cirkus 2 och börja göra mig iordning för vid 5 drar vi till karlstad, så kul!
förlåt att jag fortfarande tänker på dig. varje dag

 Tell me what's happened to us
Were the words finally spoken I wished for would never be heard
Cause my head hurts
And my heart hurts so much
You You got your head in your hands
And you don't even care if you're taking it like a man

No, you're crying
And I'm crying with you
So why are we standing
And letting our sweet love die
When we've got the power to resurrect this feeling

We could bring it back
Bring it back If we wanted to
if we wanted to Baby
We both know we've been here before
Oh we're fighting a battle we've never been
able to win and i'm losing you and you're losing me this time

We could bring it back
Bring it back If we wanted to
if we wanted to
You You got your head in your hands
And you don't even care if you're taking it like a man

   jag saknar dig killen 

Postat av: ......

snygg du! kul blogg att läsa oxå ;D

2008-07-10 @ 00:14:52


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